বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৯

sponsoredtweets.com – Twitter ad network pay via Paypal minimum $50

SponsoredTweets: Twitter Advertising Network

SponsoredTweets is an ad network for Twitter user. Twitter user can make money from SponsoredTweets by publish sponsor tweets in their Twitter account. SponsoredTweets suggest a price for publisher. But publisher can set their own price for pay per tweets or cost per click CPC campaigns. Advertisers have the ability to hand pick the Tweeters that participate in their campaign.

SponsoredTweets now also offer a referral program. The user gets 10% earning from their referral successful transaction up to 2 years.

About SponsoredTweets Payment
  • Payment via: Paypal
  • Minimum amount: $50

This Post Last Update: September-11-2009